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The Lancaster Enterprise   (1891 - 1905)


"On the 18th of March, 1891, the Lancaster Enterprise was launched upon the sea of journalism. For a little over 14 years 6 months it has made its visits to the homes of its subscribers every week (during the Spanish-American war, twice a week), carrying such news as weekly newspapers usually contain. In filling its columns week after week, it has been the constant and anxious aim of this editor to furnish its readers with such matter as would best meet their wants and needs in this line, always having an eye to whatever would tend to the upbuilding of the material and educational interests of Lancaster and Lancaster county. How well we have succeeded in this, we leave it to our readers to say. We are conscious, however, that we have done the work FAITHFULLY. And now, before we say farewell to our readers and our advertisers, we wish to thank them most cordially for their material aid and morral support during these 14 1/2 years, and to commend to their confidence and their patronage the new paper that is soon to be launched upon the billowy sea of journalism.


"In such editorial opinion and comment as has appeared in these columns, it has always been our purpose to endorse and applaud whatever was right, as we were able to see the matter then under consideration. But as the printer is at our elbow, we will bid you all an affectionate good bye, wishing for you long life and an abundance of the choicest of God's numerous gifts and greatest blessings."


Written by A.J. Clark (1852 - 1912)
Copy taken from the Lancaster Enterprise
Published in the Lancaster News, October 4, 1905



Local History

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